Gut Reset is a digestive health herbal supplement capsule designed to reduce gas and bloating. It is a combination of herbal extracts that are scientifically formulated to work in synergy to kill bad bacteria in the gut that cause gas and bloating. There are two active ingredients: berberine, which is from barberry root and silymarin which comes from milk thistle seed. It can stop bloating within 30 minutes and it can stop chronic excessive gas within a few days for gas and bloating caused by microbial imbalance. *Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. If you think you have a gastrointestinal disease then please see a qualified medical professional.
My Story

I created Gut Reset for myself after graduating with my degree in Chemistry. Most of my life, ever since I was very young, I have struggled with digestive issues, like bad excessive gas, chronic constipation, and frequent bloating after meals. I tried enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, DGL, fiber, herbs, and just about every supplement on the market for digestive health. Some helped a little, and others made me feel worse. In college I went to a doctor that diagnosed me with IBS-C and later another doctor diagnosed me with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Because of this, I decided to use goldenseal and barberry root which have traditionally been understood to have antimicrobial properties and I found that they were helpful, but they were not as strong as I needed them to be. Eventually, I graduated with my degree in chemistry in which I had taken some pharmacology classes. After doing some research, I finally learned how goldenseal and barberry root work to kill bad bacteria. Shortly after graduating was able to reverse engineer that chemical synergy of the herbs and then concentrate it into a more effective product.
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The Synergy of Gut Reset
You might have heard of the concept of “synergy” when it comes to herbal medicine. It is an ancient practice of consuming two herbs together that causes them to have an increased effectiveness that is greater than the sum of their parts. Just like how a hammer is more useful with nails, or a screwdriver is more useful with screws, so can herbs or molecules be medicinally useful when combined but useless when taken separately.

Berberine comes from the roots of plants like goldenseal and barberry. These plants produce this bitter alkaloid as a protectant against bacteria and fungi. Scientists have tested extracts of these herb roots and found that the alcoholic extract has effective antimicrobial properties. [1] Subsequent studies to discover the mechanisms of action have found that the berberine is the major antimicrobial agent, but when that is isolated it is not as effective as the whole alcoholic extract containing a mix of compounds. [2] It was found that the bacteria have little “pumps” on the surface of their cells called “efflux pumps” that pump the berberine out of the cells. For the berberine to be effective at killing the bacteria, it needs to be paired with an efflux pump inhibitor that can be found in higher concentrations in the leaves. Subsequent studies have isolated the compound responsible for inhibiting the efflux pumps and that is called 5’-MHC [3].
Since berberine and 5’MHC must be used in synergy for their antimicrobial properties to be effective, and they are only found in small percentages in berberine, I had to find a way to use isolated extracts of these two ingredients. I could find berberine on the market, but no 5’-MHC. I was stuck not knowing what to do for a while. I tried other efflux pump inhibitors like flavonoids from citrus [4] or tannins from grape skin or seed [5], however none of these were very effective.

Eventually, I found out that 5’-MHC was part of a class of molecules called “flavono-lignans” which class of compounds silymarin from milk thistle also belonged to. I found a study showing that silymarin was effective at inhibiting efflux pumps. [6] I looked to see if I could find any studies testing a mix of berberine and silymarin for synergy against bacteria and found one study showing that a mixture of berberine and silymarin were effective at killing Staph aureus. [7].
I paired the two together in the proper ratios found in the study and found that they were so much more effective at helping to relieve my digestive symptoms than anything that I had ever used before! And that is when Gut Rest was born!
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Case Study
To have some scientific evidence of how well Gut Reset works to eliminate bad bacteria in the gut I did a case study with a woman named Candice who was suffering from SIBO and wanted some help getting rid of it naturally. I had Candice do a breath test, which tests for gases produced by your gut bacteria in your breath. The patient will consume sugar and then blow into a tube every few minutes for a few hours to collect their breath and then send it in for analysis. The test measured hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. Then I had Candice take Gut Reset for 14 days and do the breath test again. I also had her self-rate her symptoms of gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, depression, and anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10 both before and after taking the Gut Reset. These were the results of the study.
Candice had significant decreases in all three gasses that were measured in the study.
She also had significant reduction in all symptoms that she reported, especially her symptoms of depression!
Here is Candice's testimonial of Gut Reset
Gut Reset has made a profoundly positive impact on my road to healing from SIBO. I was skeptical that just one product would help me after months and months of SIBO specific antibiotics, as well as other antimicrobial herbal protocols that included taking handfuls of pills each day. However, after just one month of using Gut Reset, my symptoms have improved quite a bit! Only one month and I've experienced more improvement than I have in the last year and a half of using other protocols! I feel very confident that with Gut Reset I can continue to heal and use it when needed to keep SIBO in check. It's an effective and gentle product that I highly recommend if you're like me and have tried everything else. Breath test results showed a 40% improvement in gas production and self-rated severity of symptoms revealed a huge improvement in depression and anxiety! My doctor was happy with these results and recommends continued use of the Gut Reset.
Other’s Experiences with Gut Reset
After trying it on myself and seeing the great benefits, I shared it with my wife and she saw major benefits as well. Here is her testimonial:
“This stuff is pure magic in a bottle!! Other things don't work at all or upset my sensitive stomach, but this is THE ONLY THING that gets rid of stomach aches and bloating for me. I'll be dying on the couch after eating something my stomach disagrees with, take 2 capsules, and then 20 minutes later I feel normal again. It's my go-to, so do yourself a favor and buy some!”
I've had GI problems for years. I've recently discovered the issues were tightly related to my gallbladder and endometriosis, but even after surgeries to correct both concerns, I've continued to struggle with bloating and a chronic upset stomach - especially around my cycle when my hormones are going crazy. I may not understand the science behind these capsules, but within a week I noticed I wasn't being kept awake at night with a gurgling stomach, my bloating went down, and laxatives are no longer part of my PMS routine. I take 1-2 capsules at the start of each meal and I'm good to go!
Gut reset is my go-to when I am feeling gaseous, bloated or general discomfort in my digestive system. I highly recommend gut reset when you're feeling discomfort in your digestive system. I have even recommended it to a few of my employees who it has helped.
Don't suffer any longer with digestive discomfort, get your bottle today. Shop Gut Reset Now!
- [1] S. K. Mandal et al., “Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) and its active constituents: A critical review of their efficacy and toxicological issues,” Pharmacol. Res., vol. 160, p. 105085, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105085.
- [2] K. A. Ettefagh, J. T. Burns, H. A. Junio, G. W. Kaatz, and N. B. Cech, “Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) extracts synergistically enhance the antibacterial activity of berberine via efflux pump inhibition,” Planta Med., vol. 77, no. 8, pp. 835–840, May 2011, doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1250606.
- [3] F. R. Stermitz, P. Lorenz, J. N. Tawara, L. A. Zenewicz, and K. Lewis, “Synergy in a medicinal plant: Antimicrobial action of berberine potentiated by 5′-methoxyhydnocarpin, a multidrug pump inhibitor,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 1433–1437, Feb. 2000, Accessed: Sep. 04, 2023. [Online]. Available:
- [4] F. Y. Zhang, G. J. Du, L. Zhang, C. L. Zhang, W. L. Lu, and W. Liang, “Naringenin Enhances the Anti-Tumor Effect of Doxorubicin Through Selectively Inhibiting the Activity of Multidrug Resistance-Associated Proteins but not P-glycoprotein,” Pharm. Res., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 914–925, Apr. 2009, doi: 10.1007/s11095-008-9793-y.
- [5] H. Zhang et al., “Enhancement of Berberine Hypoglycemic Activity by Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins,” Molecules, vol. 23, no. 12, Art. no. 12, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.3390/molecules23123318.
- [6] S. Dobiasová et al., “Multidrug Resistance Modulation Activity of Silybin Derivatives and Their Anti-Inflammatory Potential,” Antioxidants, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 455, May 2020, doi: 10.3390/antiox9050455.
- [7] F. R. Stermitz, J. Tawara-Matsuda, P. Lorenz, P. Mueller, L. Zenewicz, and K. Lewis, “5‘-Methoxyhydnocarpin-D and Pheophorbide A: Berberis Species Components that Potentiate Berberine Growth Inhibition of Resistant Staphylococcus aureus,” J. Nat. Prod., vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 1146–1149, Aug. 2000, doi: 10.1021/np990639k.